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Edgecast vs Level3 - Performance comparison

When looking for the best CDN network for a business website, it's always necessary to compare several CDN providers. Today two leaders of the industry are compared - Edgecast vs Level 3.
If you have a website with heavy traffic from one region then your assets are likely already cached in the edge servers of a CDN because they were recently requested by a previous website visitor (most CDNs keep a file in the cache for 24h). For websites with only little traffic from one region the chance to have website assets already cached on the edge server closest to you becomes smaller and smaller. This must be taken into account when we compare the average request times of the CDN providers:
The list of the fastest providers look different for "fastest initial request" and "fastest average request". The results from a global perspective:


July 2014 DNS Speed Comparison Report. The Verizon EdgeCast DNS as the #1 “fastest managed DNS service across the world.”

Verizon EdgeCast DNS as the #1
What’s the secret behind the performance of Verizon EdgeCast’s DNS service? Their massive global IP Anycast network that consists of POPs in most major metros across five continents and low-latency proximity to almost every broadband user in the world.
The Verizon EdgeCast network is vastly over-provisioned relative to traffic volume and capable of large numbers of queries. It is also highly reliable – ensuring resolution of DNS queries 100% of the time.
Paired with superior performance, Verizon EdgeCast’s DNS allows customers to:
- Manage their DNS zones
- Verify a server’s capability to fulfill requests through worldwide health checks
- Load balance application traffic
- Establish a failover system that prevents interruptions to their web applications and site infrastructure
- Prevent cache poisoning attacks
- Mitigate distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on their servers by leveraging Verizon EdgeCast’s distributed DNS network and technologies

Verizon EdgeCast’s DNS service - fastest managed DNS service across the world.

For more information on Verizon EdgeCast’s DNS service, please visit:
Global Speedtests to CDNs
Global Speedtests to CDNs
Edgecast vs rackspace | edgecast vs cloudflare
Everybody that wants to get the whole range of Edgecast's CDN services, may buy them directly from the company but making a 12-month contract or to buy the same high-class services at affordable prices on "pay-as-you-go" model at reseller partner JoDiHost, that is always ready to negitiate all pricing and conditions.

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