6 Ways to optimize images to boost conversion rates
Blog / News / 6 Ways to optimize images to boost conversion rates
Websites that put aesthetics and product demonstration on the pedestal never lack customers’ attention. Images are widely used to attract and retain visitors and show the products from the best side. However, it is highly important to ensure fast website loading and responsiveness to provide perfect user experience. Learn how to optimize images so that boost conversion rates.

Before you start implementing these strategies, make sure that you have adequate website loading speed. A CDN (content delivery network) will accelerate page loading for visitors of different regions and guarantee data safety. Even if you use heavy images on your website, this technology will reduce latency considerably and improve end-user experience.

1. Optimize pictures on your pages

An average website has images constituting about 60% of its infrastructure, so their weight can seriously affect website loading speed. Optimize the size and dimensions of the images. Use special plugins or programs that can reduce size of pictures without affecting their quality. Optimization can improve loading speed and performance by 50-80% on both desktop and mobile site versions.

2. Use High Quality Images

When optimizing images make sure that you don’t hurt their quality. High-resolutions photos show the customer that your product or service is of high quality. Websites with small and pixelated images are considered to be unprofessional. Online buyers are usually more loyal towards well-made websites with detailed and bright pictures: such projects gain more trust and confidence. So if you can, hire a professional photographer to make pictures for your company.

3. Provide a 360-degree Product View

360-view images are gaining popularity, and users love when they can inspect a product from different angles. It provides far better insight than 2D images. Surprisingly, using this technology, you can boost conversions by more than 20%.

4. Upload Larger Images

One study performed by Forbes has shown that large high-quality images are more important than product description or reviews for about half of consumers. Therefore, we recommend using these for desktop website versions. This strategy is not likely to work for mobile visitors, but you can try optimizing images for mobile version and applications to see if it makes any difference.

5. Appeal to customers’ emotions

Images trigger emotions, if you use them correctly. The old saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” is now more true than ever. Remember: your homepage image should express brand’s message more clearly than the text. If you use stock photos, match them with the exact product to gain trust of your audience.

6. Show your Products in Use

Provide customers with context that adds to the standalone product. When purchaser can visualize the product in his real life, it encourages him to buy it.

CDN networks from JoDiHost automatically optimize images to deliver them at the best quality possible, no matter what device is used to access the site. Our CDN solutions support image intensive websites and ensure outstanding user experience. Be sure: delivering high-quality images quickly and flawlessly to your visitors you will boost conversion rates considerably.

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