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Deliver your content around the world at the best speed and with no glitches!

No matter what you create or sell online. Users must get your video, music, software and news exactly as you intended. Instantly, crystal-clear, and with no delay and glitches. Any delay will cost you the first place.

Our CDN solutions allow a website's owner to be capable to deliver content to his users with several different delivery mechanisms. Also the website's owner is provided with reporting capabilities that let him to monitor and analyze data delivery patterns and usage.

With the help of CDN-solutions the webmaster may deliver content over the HTTP/HTTPS protocol and to stream video in a large variety of protocols and formats. And this functionality is provided through several our specialized platforms for data delivery. The platform is a infrastructure of devices and dedicated servers that have been distributed across the CDN's worldwide network of points-of-presence (POPs) for providing efficient securing and delivering the website's content from an origin point to it's users.

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The faster e-commerce website you have, the better search engine rankings you get and that means more clients and thus more profit.

All your dynamic and static content loads as fast as it's only possible.

Our services guarantee crystal-clear, instant-on and high fidelity video and music. No sluttering and interruption.

Our caching platform will deliver your static content at super fast speeds, and with the same speed and reliability as cached content our game-tuned Application Delivery Network will serve your game's dynamic elements.

Our strategically-located SuperPOPs serve your software super fast, and our intelligent DNS and global load balancing will automatically direct end users to download your software from the server the closest to them.

JoDiHost allows you to use any or all of our strategically-located SuperPOPs as broadcast nodes, bringing your live stream to within milliseconds of more than 95% of the world's broadband users.

High-performance CDN solutions are costly?NOT ANYMORE!

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Premium-class CDN solution has never been cheaper!

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for as low as $6/TB!contact us now